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Books, Audio ,Video CDs and DVDs of Discourses by Swami Sandeepananda Giri on the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and other text are made available for purchase.
Hasthaamalaka Sthothram
Price : Rs 240/-
A Conversation between Hasthaamalka (who was an enlightened child; in fact he was born with full consciousness or enlightenment) and Adi Sankaracharya, which reveals the secret of human life (the real nature of human existence). Swami Sandeepananda Giri's interpretation of this gem of a poem, in the simplest possible way, helps learn this secret here and now.
Set of Two DVDs - Rs. 240/-
Audio CD of this DVD title is also available
Format: MP3
Price : Rs. 100/-
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