His Vision

HIS VISION is the visual production department of the School of Bhagavad Gita.
This department is dedicated to the memory of Swami Chinmayananda the fearless visionary who explored all the vistas that opened up before him, for the spread of Indian Vedanta
The power of the visual media to communicate with audiences has opened up whole new vistas of interesting possibilities. Of special significance here is the fact that these means can become the vehicle that transports the wisdom of the ages to the homes and hearts of the common man in any part of the world.
His Vision has launched noteworthy productions towards this end.
Sampoorna Gita Jnana Yajnam On Doordarshan
To put in simple terms, the telecast of the Sampoorna Gita Jnana Yajnam produced by His Vision created history. Starting on 14 April 2006, this discourse series running daily for two and a half years saw the continuous and uninterrupted telecast and re-telecast with 385 and over 400 episodes respectively. The viewership and reach of this programme have been phenomenal, extending to all parts of India and abroad and covering all sections of society, irrespective of religion or class. The daily slot of 9.30 PM to 10 PM found a permanent place in the hearts of the people who saw this series as more than an explanation of the Bhagavad Gita. It was a programme that is educational and informative, creating an awareness of the Indian heritage and culture acceptable to all citizens of the world.
Sampoorna Gita Jnana Yajnam On Doordarshan
To put in simple terms, the telecast of the Sampoorna Gita Jnana Yajnam produced by His Vision created history. Starting on 14 April 2006, this discourse series running daily for two and a half years saw the continuous and uninterrupted telecast and re-telecast with 385 and over 400 episodes respectively. The viewership and reach of this programme have been phenomenal, extending to all parts of India and abroad and covering all sections of society, irrespective of religion or class. The daily slot of 9.30 PM to 10 PM found a permanent place in the hearts of the people who saw this series as more than an explanation of the Bhagavad Gita. It was a programme that is educational and informative, creating an awareness of the Indian heritage and culture acceptable to all citizens of the world.
Art Of Man Making On Doordarshan
Art of Man Making was yet another mega- series on Doordarshan showcasing discourse series on the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavadha Thattwa Vichara Yajnam. With his in-depth commentary on Srimad Bhagavadham, Swami Sandeepananda revolutionized the narration of this Purana and brought it closer to the common man through the telecast.
Upanishad Dhaara
Major Upanishads like Kathopanishad, Chandogyopanishad, Isa Vasya Upanishad, Mandukyopanishad, Kenopanishad, etc have been interpreted by Swami Sandeepananda Giri and telecast in several T.V channels like Jai Hind, Surya, Asianet, ACV and others.
“KAILASAM” is the movie produced by His Vision. Based on the Kailas- Manasarovar Yatras organized by SOBG under the guidance of Swami Sandeep Chaitanya, KAILASAM was premiered on SURYA T.V on 5th March 2008 in connection with Mahasivarathri and was viewed world- wide. It has since then, been telecast many times and has been an inspiration to many to undertake the pilgrimage to Kailas- Mansarovar.