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Books, Audio ,Video CDs and DVDs of Discourses by Swami Sandeepananda Giri on the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and other text are made available for purchase.
Special Package 101 DVDs
Price : Rs 5000/-
It is a combination of all the important DVDs put together
- Ishavasya
- Kena
Sree Shankaracharya's works
- Thathwabodham
- Sadhanapanchakam
- Brhamanjanavalimaala
- Hasthamalakasthothram
Sree Narayana Guru's works
- Daivadhashakam
- Brhamavidyapanjakam
- Athmopadeshashathakam
Theme-based Discourse series by Swami Sandeepananda Giri
- Chathurgakaravicharayanjam
- Chathurvidhapurusharthavicharayanjam
- Bharateeyam
Other titles
- Gopikageetham
- Naradhabakthisoothram
- Radhakalpana
- Karanyasam
- Vibheehana Gita
Price: Rs 5520/-
Discount Price: Rs 5000/-
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